
Aug 16th, 2021


Goggin Uline照片3


姓名:Christopher Goggin.





HPU如何帮助你到达那里:“HPU的大二训练营准备与我tools needed to apply for summer internships. Having applied to Uline through their online application, I worked closely with my sales professors as I went through each phase of the interview process. Having landed the internship over winter break, I spent my spring semester working to be thoroughly prepared to meet the challenges of this Uline sales position. I gained added experience with my spring negotiations class and worked with multiple sales professors to arrive at my job ready for action. After arriving at my job, I asked my manager what stood out to them that led to my job offer, and he said they were intrigued by my major. He found that my interview skills allowed them to see my ability to be articulate, to sell and to negotiate. HPU provided the education and skills that prepared me thoroughly for the interview process. Starting with my business boot camp, I prepared for interviews by practicing through informational interviews. I had my free, professional headshot taken to prepare my Linkedin profile. I utilized HPU’s job board to search for jobs, and I also used the six tips to maximize my internship experience that was shared by the university. From start to finish, I was prepared and was a valued member of the Uline Orlando Sales force. ”



