


欧文斯女士在北卡罗来纳州莱克星顿开始了她的职业生涯,她是一名幼儿园残疾学生的老师。欧文斯女士曾被High Point City Schools和Guilford County Schools聘为Ferndale Middle和Northwood Elementary Schools的特殊教育者。在课堂工作的这些年里,欧文斯女士被High Point Jaycees评为优秀青年教育家,被High Point ARC评为年度教育家,被Northwood小学评为年度教师。


Ms. Owens served as an Ex-officio member of the Exceptional Children’s Parent Advisory Committee, with Guilford County Schools from 2005 – 2013. She served on multiple project teams for the school district including PACE (Personalized Achievement, Curriculum and Environment), School Reform, and BAT (Building Advisory Team) for Haynes-Inman Education Center, CJ Greene Education Center, Herbin-Metz Education Center and the Allen Jay Preparatory Academy. She is a member of NCAE, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) (Teacher Education Division (TED) and Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). Ms. Owens has also provided consultative services to school districts and charter school sites. Ms. Owens currently serves as the Treasurer and representative for higher education for the North Carolina Council for Administrators of Special Education (NC CASE). She also serves on the Board of The Piedmont School in High Point as a member of the Trustee Committee. On campus, Ms. Owens is the faculty advisor for Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Student Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).
