Research interests:My lab researches ecophysiological adaptations of plants to their environment. Questions my students and I have been investigating recently include:

1)为什么圣诞蕨(Polystichumacrostichoides)在冬季放叶片?The Christmas fern is a native, evergreen fern that lays its fronds prostrate against the ground during winter (Fig. B below). By comparing microclimate and photosynthetic gas exchange of naturally-flattened fronds to experimental fronds that had been propped upright, we demonstrated that flattening is beneficial for maintaining a warm, humid microclimate around leaves during a season that is otherwise cold and ddry. This project was conducted at the Piedmont Environmental Center (approximately 5 minutes away from HPU). Ourresults were publishedin 2018 in the journal环境和实验植物学。

2) How do clouds affect photosynthesis and water loss in plants?
这项研究得到了205,000美元的NSF生理和结构系统赠款(iOS 1122064)的支持,涉及与HPU学生一起前往世界各地的山脉,包括南阿尔卑斯山(新西兰),Rocky Mountains (USA),阿巴拉契亚山脉(美国), and the Andes (Colombia).

Cranefly orchid is a native, wintergreen orchid that can be found in the understory of hardwood forests throughout North Carolina. Examples of questions we are asking about this plant include:

Is there an adaptive advantage to having purple leaf undersides? (see imagedbelow)
- 是叶子斑点还是净化(bc) a stress-induced response? Or is it genetic in nature?
- 相同类型的花青素是否负责上下表面上的净化?
– Do spots or purpling function to deter herbivory by browsing mammals during winter?

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Google Scholar个人资料:

* denotes HPU undergraduate student co-authors

休斯NM, *Gigantino G, *Hoffman K, *Willans B, Wommack A. 2019. Photosynthetic profiles of green, purple, and spotted-leaf morphotypes ofTipularia discolor(Orchidaceae)Southeastern Naturalist(in press)

*Forget SE, *Parker EM,休斯NM。2018。叶片俯卧对常绿蕨类植物的微气候和生态生理的影响,Polystichum acrostichoides. Environmental and Experimental Botany154: 80-88.

*Bayeur NM, *Carpenter KL,休斯NM。2018年。阴影耐受性:影响新西兰山地山毛榉和银山毛榉分布的另一个因素?TREES: Structure and Function32: 539-547.

Segarra VA,休斯NM,Ackerman K,Grider M,Lyda T,Vigueira PA。2018年。科学扫盲技能测试(TOSL)的学生表现不会随着低风险级的分配而改变。BMC Research Notes 11:422

*Hernandez-Moreno, M, *Bayeur NM, *Coley HD,休斯NM。2017. Clouds homogenize shoot temperature, transpiration, and photosynthesis within crowns of阿比斯·弗雷泽里(Abies Fraseri)(Pursh.) Poiret。经应学183(3):667-676。

Sanchez A,休斯NM, Smith WK. 2016. Leaf/shoot level ecophysiology in two broadleaf and two needle-leaf species under representative cloud regimes at alpine treelineJournal of Plant Ecology.9(6):762-772。

休斯NM,Lev-Yadun S. 2015. Red/purple leaf margin coloration: Potential ecological and physiological functions.Environmental and Experimental Botany119:27-39。

休斯NM,*Carpenter KL, *Cook DK, *Keidel TS, *Miller CN, *Neal JL, Sanchez A, Smith WK. 2015. Effects of cumulus clouds on microclimate and shoot-level photosynthetic gas exchange inPicea engelmanniiAbies lasiocarpa在Treeline,美国怀俄明州的医学弓山。农业和森林气象201:26-37。

Sanchez A,休斯NM, Smith WK. 2015. Importance of natural cloud regimes to ecophysiology in the alpine species,caltha leptosepalaArnica Parryi, Snowy Range Mountains, southeast Wyoming, USA.Functional Plant Biology42(2): 186-197.

休斯NM, *Carpenter KL, *Keidel TS, *Miller CN,Waters,M.N。和Smith Wk。2014年。光合成本和轴向和亚Xaxial花青素的收益Colocasia esculenta‘Mojito’planta240(5):971-81

贝里CZ,休斯NM,Smith WK. 2014. Cloud immersion: an important water source for spruce and fir saplings in the southern Appalachian Mountains.经应学174: 319-326.

*Carpenter KL, *Keidel TS, *Pihl MC,休斯NM。2014年。支持冬季叶片在氮缺陷个体中发红的光保护功能Lonicera japonica. Molecules19(11): 17810-17828

Full list of publications can be found这里
