


罗宾·德里斯科尔,双簧管演奏家,在北卡罗莱纳夏洛特长大,并有幸进入北卡罗莱纳高中艺术学校学习,师从约瑟夫·罗宾森,罗宾森在罗宾毕业后的第二年成为纽约爱乐乐团的首席双簧管演奏家。在罗宾逊先生的指导下,罗宾搬到了俄亥俄州,在那里他分别与詹姆斯·考德威尔(James Caldwell)、伊丽莎白·加缪(Elizabeth Camus)和约翰·麦克(John Mack)在奥柏林学院(Oberlin College)、凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)和克利夫兰音乐学院(Cleveland Institute of Music)学习双簧管和数学。在获得克利夫兰音乐学院(Cleveland Institute of Music)的硕士学位后,德里斯科尔先生在克利夫兰管弦乐团(Cleveland Orchestra)长期接替了一位因病休假的双簧管乐队成员。他曾担任匹兹堡交响乐团的客座校长和第二双簧管演员。1990年,他随匹兹堡交响乐团前往俄罗斯和欧洲巡演,同年随克利夫兰交响乐团前往香港和日本,并在柏辽兹的《幻想交响曲》中出演了舞台下的双簧管独奏。德里斯科尔曾作为代理第二双簧管与圣路易斯交响乐团(St. Louis Symphony)和亚特兰大交响乐团(Atlanta Symphony)合作演出。在亚特兰大期间,他在查尔斯·杜图伊特指挥的柏辽兹的《浮士德的诅咒》中担任独奏英国圆号。他还参加了克利夫兰管弦乐团到卡内基音乐厅的巡演,这是为PBS的伟大演奏家系列之一录制的。德里斯科尔目前是匹兹堡歌剧院(Pittsburgh Opera)、匹兹堡芭蕾舞团(Pittsburgh Ballet)和惠灵交响乐团(Wheeling Symphony)的首席双簧管。久负盛名的匹兹堡音乐会协会(Pittsburgh Concert Society)宣布德里斯科尔为他们2008年比赛的获胜者。 He performed in recital at the opening concert for their 2008-09 season. Mr. Driscoll was hired to rebuild the Oboe Studio at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts in 2010 and currently is part of the adjunct faculty at High Point University. Mr. Driscoll was one of two primary oboe teachers and performers at the prestigious 2011 John Mack Oboe Camp where he gave master classes to over 65 oboe students. He has given master classes and played in recital with Joseph Robinson at Duke University and Ohio State University. Mr. Driscoll has taught at Brevard College, the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music, taught as a sabbatical replacement at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and was invited to be a Guest Professor at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Mr. Driscoll has received a US Patent on a new machine for making oboe reeds and manufactures these machines at his own workshop in Advance, North Carolina, with the aid of new computerized milling technologies.
